Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Seeing Red

As most know, J.K. Rowling has a distinct habit of slipping in small, seemingly insignificant details into her writing which later become indispensable. However, this knowledge is most commonly applies to objects, such as the locket in OotP. But what about people? What about Ginny Weasley?
Throughout the series, it is well known that Ginny has a crush on Harry. This may seem a simple side-story, with their relationship reaching a climax in HBP, but it may also play a large part in book 7.
Dumbledore explains to Harry on numerous occasions that it was his love that saved him. Harry and Voldemort have both had similar backgrounds as orphans, but Harry grew up to be much different because of his love for all humans. This love has been the driving force behind much of what he has accomplished. His love for Hermione (even though platonic) is what caused him and Ron to fight the troll in PS/SS. It was his love for mankind as a whole that forced him to face mortal peril in order to stop Voldemort from attaining the philosopher's/ sorcerer's stone. There are countless other examples of this driving force, including in OotP Harry's inspiration for his patronus, his friends. Even through his depression his love still burned bright. Is it simply coincidence that Jo just happened to give Harry a girlfriend who was conveniently his best friend's sister? I think not.
At the end of HBP, Harry plans to go fight against Voldemort while leaving Ginny safely at Hogwarts. However, with Ginny's fire-cracker personality, i doubt that she will stay there for long. Ginny will most likely join up with the trio, adding more than just a few good hexes to the mix.
The prophesy states that Harry has a power “the Dark Lord knows not.” While this may mean that Harry is in possession of a power Voldemort does not have, it may also at the same time mean that Voldemort does not know what this power is that Harry possesses.
If this is true, than love in and of itself cannot be the power spoken of in the prophesy. Voldemort knows the power of love, both that of Lily Potter's and of Harry's love for his godfather. Harry's love has defeated Voldemort before, and the Dark Lord knows it.
Since it cannot be love, perhaps Harry's “secret weapon” is the source of his love. Perhaps Ginny Weasley will be the deciding factor in the final battle between Harry and Voldemort.
While I do not know enough about magic to say how this can be accomplished, I believe it is safe to say that somehow Harry will be able to draw off his friends', and Ginny's, power through the bond that they share.
All the same, this may not be the only way Harry and Ginny's relationship can come into the limelight. What would happen if Voldemort decided to use Ginny against Harry?
We know Voldemort has used this tactic before. In the MoM, he possessed Harry hoping that Dumbledore would kill Harry in trying to destroy Voldemort. While Harry was able to through him off, both in the MoM and the imperious curse in GoF, Ginny may not be strong enough to do the same. Voldemort may be tempted to put Ginny under the imperious curse and force her to fight Harry.
But Voldemort may not have to do so. Jo Rowling said that HP fans may notice horcruxes hidden throughout the first five books. Horcruxes, plural. One of them, as we all know, is the locket in OotP. Another, as Dumbledore states, is the diary in CoS. A horcrux we thought to be destroyed.
However, if you look into the dialog exchanged between Harry and the memory of Tom Riddle, you see that the horcrux may not have been destroyed but simply transferred.
Tom Riddle says in chapter 17 of CoS, “I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Weasley. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Weasley a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her.” If a horcrux is a part of a soul stored in another object, the perhaps that little bit of soul is still lying dormant inside Ginny Weasley. Perhaps Ginny Weasley is a horcrux.
If this is true, if Ginny Weasley is a horcrux, then there would be only one way to defeat Voldemort once and for all. Harry would have to kill Ginny Weasley. Will Harry Potter be able to do something so horrible to someone he loves in order to save the world?


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